Our research is integral to the work we do,
Einstein is quoted as having said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions.”
We need to understand what challenges exist in our landscape to ensure we create meaningful change, the solutions we come up with.
Our current research projects focus on better understanding the lived experiences of industry professionals ashore and at sea. Defining definitively the current challenges being faced, and by whom, will identify what's working, what opportunities exist for growth and what strategic impact looks like.
Is your voice being heard? Creating meaningful change will be a guessing game until we move beyond anecdotes and assumptions and drive change with quantitative and qualitative insights from across our sectors.
Legasea 2022 Shore side and Crew diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging survey are now open.

Legasea Yacht Crew Survey
This survey is a chance for yacht crew to have their say, add their voice to change and share their lived experience on board. Completely anonymous, these results will highlight the most critical areas and barriers to be addressed, guiding future industry action, and will be included in the Legasea Annual Report.
How much would you agree or disagree with the below statements?
I can voice a contrary opinion without fear of negative consequences
I feel comfortable discussing my background, beliefs, and cultural experiences with my crew
Onboard, there are career development opportunities for everyone regardless of differences
Promotion decisions onboard are fair
I believe the management company would take appropriate action if an instance of harassment or discrimination was reported.

Shore Side Professionals Survey
Designed for shoreside professionals to anonymously share their lived experiences within their organisation. The results will be used to identify common themes across demographics, sectors and roles to guide industry action and will be included in the Legasea Annual Report. You will be able to share how much you agree or disagree with statements such as:
When I speak up at work, my opinion is valued
My organisation provides an environment for the free and open expression of ideas, opinions and beliefs
I feel that my compensation is fair, relative to similar roles at my company
Everyone has access to equal employment opportunities regardless of their differences
I believe the company will take appropriate action in response to incidents of discrimination and/or bias
2022 - 2023 Pledge Data Collection
How diverse is your organisation? How do your employees feel? Do they feel valued, free to innovate and have a strong sense of belonging? What are the major areas of opportunity, and most critical risks that currently exist?
Pledge Signatories will receive a comprehensive report featuring qualitative and quantitative insights into these areas for organisations to establish their baseline, develop their strategies and monitor their impact.
To find out how you can become a Signatory, head to the Pledge

Legasea Mentorship 6 Month Report
The Legasea Mentorship 6 Month Pulse Report shares insights into who has taken part, what areas they hoped to grow in and just how much impact they have experienced so far.
Explore case studies of mentors and mentees and hear what the most significant areas of growth have been, just what has been achieved and the impact having a mentor/ mentee has had on them professionally and personally.
How do we know where we are and if the action we take is effective? Legasea Reports measure and monitor the impact of our programmes, and establish DEI industry baselines. Like any navigational officer will tell you, we must first plot our position before charting our course forward.​
2021 Annual Report
To make a plan forward, we must first understand where we currently are.
Thanks to the data contributions of the Pledge Signatories, this report represents the first-ever statical insights into diversity and inclusion within the Yachting industry. The report explores both the shoreside and crew landscapes, collating both quantitive and qualitative data. The results? Shocking yet not at all unexpected, the insights range from myth-busting, confronting and alarming.
This report represents the first step in defining our landscape and is the springboard for further programmes, research and impacts.